


體/皮、大虛、地之築、扭、minimum care是指別管太多嗎?、互動、弱建築、景觀建築.期程.過程城市.創造舒適、在自然與人造之間、 文化景觀設計、否定主義、形成、 變譯、都市微囊、由心而生的美學、爿、曠達、精神、源、山、竹、自由自在、間、懷疑與信仰、處理現實、民間現實、探測現實、蕪、無私、墟 想像建築家作建築時,腦海中究竟會浮現出什麼呢? 作者基於這樣的好奇作為發想,首先邀請了包括日本、韓國、中國、香港與台灣等區域的10位東亞建築師。再請這10人各自推薦一位新秀與前輩的當代建築師(在各自的地域、文化與社會範圍內),由這十組30位建築師提出自己作建築時,最重要的一個建築關鍵字以及手繪稿,和一篇短文來闡釋。作者再則依照每位建築師的短文,為非建築專業背景讀者發展出可閱讀的文章。 這些有著某種文化與思想上的同流趨向性的東亞區域,在方才過往的20世紀,一直以著紛亂的獨自姿態,或向西方去求取對話可能,或各自不溝通的喃喃獨語。 這樣過了整個漫長的世紀,如今因為現代化近程逐漸接近,區域內對抗的壓力也在緩和中,似乎看到彼此對話與共同發聲的可能了,而且時代也似乎作著這樣的呼喚。 新世紀裡,東亞建築師的作品風格走向,以及他們從自己的地域與文化位置,所提出來對建築與都市的看法,將直接衝擊這個區域的整體走向,也間接影響人類大環境的未來變化,絕對值得注意與關切。其中,日本以堅實的現代性能力,持續向這個世界推出新的建築觀點;韓國近年表現極受矚目,在設計領域尤其讓人不敢忽視;中國建築師在二十一世紀的面貌,不但備受期待,也可能將扮演舉足輕重的角色;香港的位置一向靈活多變,在東方與西方、前衛與復古間,流轉自然;台灣近二十年內在變化急遽,在建築上也呈顯了某種複雜與多元的面貌。 不管你懂不懂建築,都可以從一個字開始去理解;這是一種新的眺看世界的方式——從東亞開始也由建築關鍵字開始。 作者簡介 阮慶岳 Ching-Yue Roan 現任實踐大學建築系副教授 著書二十餘本。其中文學著作《林秀子一家》入選香港亞洲周刊「二○○四年度十大華文書籍」,《重見白橋》獲二○○三年「巫永福文學獎」,《凱旋高歌》獲二○○三年台北文學獎文學年金。 建築著作包括《弱建築》、《以建築為名》、《新人文建築》、《十人》、《屋頂上的石斛蘭》、《城市漂流》、《開門見山色》等。 2002年於台北當代藝術館策展《長安西路神話》與《黏菌城市》


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主要建築師 克萊因.岱森建築事務所/愛思翠.克萊因&馬克.岱森
建築關鍵字 扭.minimum care是指別管太多?.互動
影像提供 Katsuhisa Kida(作品:葉片教堂);Ryota Atarashi(作品:Heidi住宅)

Key Architects Klein Dytham architecture / Astrid Klein & Mark Dytham
Architectural Keyword Twist.Does ’minimum care’ mean don’t deal with it too much?.Interactive
Photos Katsuhisa Kida (Project: Leaf Chapel); Ryota Atarashi (Project: Heidi House)




The keyword for us in architecture is: ”Twist!”

The twist is not a formal device, but a way of thinking. Look around. There are a lot of straight lines in architecture, a lot of linear, logical thinking. The essence of all this linearity is that it is predictable. Lines run on. That’s what they do - they go on doing what they’ve done before.

Predictability maybe safe, but we prefer surprise, movement, change. The twist is the maneuver we use to make the old new, to turn a job into a joy. The twist subverts expectations, generates delight, and brings smiles to peoples faces. The twist makes music out of logic. Care for a dance dance?








Ching-Yue Roan: Are designers descended from Dionysus?

Whether discussing Lao Zhi from the East or Plato from the West, the ultimate layer of human reasoning seems to always hint at the balance and permanence of the universe. Some viewpoints extrapolated from this involve the belief that the harmony in heaven and earth is destroyed by the creations of humanity.

Therefore, as a designer, one must determine his own position to some degree--does one wish to play the role of someone who accommodates in order to restore the Original? Or as a challenger who searches for a new Paradise? In other words, does one want to let himself become a predictable straight line (which can lead us back to Eden), or does one choose to become a challenger, moving towards the ultimate unknown twist? The universe creates through profound, unknown principles; designers can’t help but to think how to respond to these principles.

Greek culture regards Dionysus, the god of wine, as important as the sun god Apollo, signifying an attitude of recognition and acceptance of both rational order and human emotion and desires within the universe. Western civilization after the Roman Empire gradually moved towards a single sun god, and began placing less value on the god of wine. However, the inherent traits of the god of wine found within humanity’s descendants did not disappear as a result. Rather, they became the inspiration of art time and again. As a result, the relationship between Apollo and Dionysus, representing the rational and emotional, was never truly affirmed within the twists and turns of history; instead, the history of Western art continuously shows that this contradiction is waiting to be challenged and explored.

The universe absolutely possesses colossal rhythms and cadences, yet at the same time, a vast array of surging power, like volcanoes waiting to be exploded, is found within humans themselves. These two inseparable phenomena call forth the creative spirit within us. As a result, designer must be able to roam freely between these two spheres, like a farmer inspecting familiar fields or a hunter freely roaming through forests. Twisting is a path through these fields and forests, as single straight lines cannot connect these two aspects. If a designer does not want to miss out on one aspect, he must be able to consider a path that is his own, so that he is not restricted to only the rational or only the emotional.

In his Divine Comedy, Dante regards those souls that can exist in two places at once ’angels.’ When hare and deer are being hunted down in open country, their instinct is to choose a path that twists and winds, rather than a straight line, which would allow them to run faster. However, in the end, a straight line or circle could be drawn over the paths they take, which are seemingly without any logic or destination, and one would see that they take the animals back to their original dens. This fact seems to also prove that twists adding to curves and straight lines can certainly increase joy in life. In addition, not only does this not interfere with the straight lines found in the universe, but it is perhaps a private path that arrives at the same designed ultimate destination.






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